Social Blog
Find out what’s trending in the world of social media.
Ensuring that your website ranks highly on search engines is important especially as the top 3 results on search engines get 61% of clicks and 75% of people will not search past the first page. ...
4th November 2015
As you may or may not be aware of there is an ever-growing list of networking hours in the UK. These hours take advantage of the power of the hashtag (#) to connect likeminded businesses ...
29th October 2015
Designing a website can be a difficult, time-consuming and detailed job that often become frustrating for the designer. We have compiled a list of tools that will help the tedious process feel a bit ...
22nd October 2015
Things To Keep In Mind To Get The Best Social Media Posts When it comes to sending a post you’ve written across one platform or another, you obviously want it to be worth ...
23rd August 2015
Celebrating our 2nd year in business, Bee Social Marketing have been running a competition for one of our lucky followers to win a brand new Android Tablet. THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE WHO ENTERED! I’m ...
12th May 2015
As of the 21st April 2015, Google is launching a major update to it’s mobile search algorithm. The update has made such a significant impact that the release date has been titled “Mobile-geddon” amongst other similarly dramatic names! ...
21st April 2015
If you’re a blogger and don’t know the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and the benefits it can have then you’re already behind the competition, but that’s why you’re here, right? You ...
17th April 2015
Thank you to everyone who entered our Fabulous Competition; and the winner is..... Bee Social Marketing are celebrating our 2nd year in Business - Happy Birthday to us! We decided to share the ...
9th April 2015
The powerful Facebook tool that allows you to target exactly who you want… For free. Many people, including social media marketers, struggle to get the interaction and engagement they crave on their business’s Facebook ...
7th April 2015
Featured in the business pages of Harrogate Advertiser Newspaper. Great to be listed in the Top 10 Social Media Agencies in the UK via Klout and number 1 in Yorkshire.
26th March 2015
Great news; Facebook have now made it a lot more easier for your customers and potential customers to get in touch with you through various methods of your choice. Facebook Business Pages are ...
24th March 2015
Bee Social Marketing Listed In The Top 10 Social Media Agencies in the UK Currently listed Number 1 in Yorkshire After just 2 years in business, Bee Social Marketing based in Harrogate, ...
23rd March 2015
Every Thursday Evening 8-9pm, just add #Wakefieldhour to your tweet. So you have probably heard people talking about Wakefield hour on Twitter and how it can raise your brand / company / event ...
26th November 2014
Facebook is changing its policy, shortly you will no longer be able to ask users directly to Like your page, time to improve your content! It is likely you will have seen your Facebook ...
19th October 2014
Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social media platforms and although many users love to use it personally, it is great to utilise to visually showcase your business. Get started with an account ...
17th October 2014
So, you have finally made it on to Twitter and joined the other 6 million users, not bad when you think, Twitter was only created in 2006 by Jack Dorsey. Twitter is an Awesome ...
10th October 2014
The lesser known and used social media platforms present a great way to get ahead of your competitors. It's easy to get started and this blog will help you to effectively use them to ...
2nd October 2014
Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social media platforms and although many users love to use it personally, it is great to utilise to visually showcase your business. Get started with an account ...
2nd October 2014