Things To Keep In Mind To Get The Best Social Media Posts
John Ranby
23rd August 2015
When it comes to sending a post you’ve written across one platform or another, you obviously want it to be worth your time. Here’s how.
Firstly, conversation encourages engagement, and we all know by this point just how crucial engagement is to a brand in the world of social media.
Many people scrolling through their social channels enjoy to become part of conversations with others, and if you are able to make your audience open up to you through communication you’re already getting closer to gaining the title of social media guru.
A fantastic, and easy, way of getting people to engage is by asking open questions.
Communicating effectively means that your posts are making a positive impact and users will remember that positive engagement the next time that you pop up on their feed. Awesome!
Don’t forget: put some personality in your posts; people will be faster to open up and tell you what they want from specific brands.
Another thing is to remember that your audience aren’t just potential customers; they’re people and if you can connect to them on an emotional level, then you might have gained their trust then and there.
You might not know it but with everything you post readers are feeling an emotion. Take care and pay attention to your posts to make sure what they’re feeling isn’t boredom. Instead, portray a positive, generous persona and you’ll draw them in without worry.
One thing that always communicates to people is colour. You may actually be surprised by how much a brand’s colour choices can affect their engagement on social media platforms.
If you want your brand’s social media to also have an emotional impact on users, then it’s a great idea to coordinate the colours in your posts with your brand. As well as connecting to your followers on a psychological level, this also represents your brand fantastically.
Last, but certainly not least, images are able to take your social media post from 0 to 100.
It’s important to choose an image that will have some kind of value or relate to your target audience. As you can see here, Bee Social Marketing connect to users in Harrogate using primarily the image.

The best social images stand out from the crowd in some way or another in order to draw attention to those who may just be having a quick flick through their Twitter on a lunch break.
Remember: you want your image to somewhat express what you’re trying to say in your post. This makes it easier for users to process, understand, and therefore engage with you via social networks.
Think carefully about how you’re putting together each of your social media posts; they define your brand so much more than you may think!
Hopefully, all of the things in this blog made sense to you and you’re already improving. If not, don’t be afraid to get in touch; we’re even nicer in real life than we are online, believe it or not.
If you’re interested in learning more about social media get in touch:
T: 01423 297009 or E: [email protected]
About John Ranby
My obsession to do the very best for our clients drives me every day, I bring over 20 years experience in sales & Marketing before I set up the company in 2013.