Why Social Media Isn’t Working For You
5th October 2016
We hear this time and time again, “why isn’t my social media working for me?”
Most business owners in these modern times fully acknowledge the importance and impact that using social media has on their business. However, many business owners don’t know the correct way to use social media and can often make crucial mistakes that can impact their brand. With our expert help, we can give you the tips you need to ensure your social media is running to its optimum potential and the reasons why it might not be working for you.
Whilst social media platforms might not be too difficult for you to manage, it can be a very time-consuming task and you need to allocate set time for you to spend on it. Set times prevent your posts from being rushed and therefore they can be good quality and mistakes are less likely to be made. Also, it’s key to ensuring your social media has regular posts otherwise you’re less likely to build up a high following or much engagement.
What are your social media goals? Each business has different aims whilst they’re using social media and it’s key to planning out your social media strategy before you begin to promote your brand online. Are you using social media to achieve a specific number of leads? Are you promoting a new product or service or do you want to increase your brand awareness? These simple yet crucial questions need to be answered and decided to allow your team to understand what your targets are.
Social media channels are the perfect opportunity for your business to visually promote your business to a new audience. Often described as an ‘online shop window’, ensuring your social media posts are creative and engaging is essential for potential customers to become interested in your business.
What is your business demographic? Make sure that you’re targeting the correct audience on social media otherwise it could be a complete waste of time and money! Most social media channels now have the option to set your audience to a particular demographic and allows your posts to be more relevant to the preferred audience. Engaging with other important businesses and people is another excellent way for your brand to become known and for more potential customers to see you!
Social media platforms shouldn’t worry you or give you sleepless nights – With our professional help, we can manage your social media correctly and use the best software in the business to monitor your performance as well as your competitors. So if you lack time or creativity and want to reach your best potential on social media, give us a call today on 01423 297009 or drop us an email at [email protected].
About Jennifer
Helping my clients achieve their goals is my biggest motivation! Nothing beats opening my emails to "We've just signed with ..." - there's no feeling quite like it!